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How to determine the payment base of endowment insurance in Henan Province?

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How to determine the payment base of endowment insurance in Henan Province?


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  • 2024-06-14 07:01:01

    How to determine the payment base of endowment insurance in Henan Province?
    How to determine the payment base of endowment insurance in Henan Province? The method for determining the payment base of pension insurance in Henan Province is as follows: the monthly average of the total wage income of the previous year is taken as the monthly payment base of the current year by the individual employee. Among them, the new employee of the unit shall take the full monthly salary income of the month when the employee starts his/her salary as the payment base; The monthly payment base of the insured company is the sum of the monthly payment bases of all the insured employees of the company. Article 11 of the Regulations of Zhengzhou City on Endowment Insurance for Enterprise Employees stipulates that the basic endowment insurance fund shall be collected based on the actual wages of employees. If it is impossible or difficult to calculate the actual salary, the monthly average salary of the employees in this city or county (city) in the previous year shall be taken as the base. Article 12 stipulates that the proportion of basic endowment insurance premiums paid by individual employees can gradually increase with economic development and the growth of employees' wage income. The part of the average monthly wage income of the employees that exceeds more than twice the average monthly wage of the city or county (city) employees in the previous year will not pay the basic pension insurance premium and will not be included in the basic pension base. If it is lower than 60% of the average monthly salary of the employees of this city or this county (city) in the previous year, the basic endowment insurance premium shall be paid based on 60% of the average monthly salary of the employees of this city or this county (city) in the previous year, and shall be included in the basic endowment insurance payment base. Do you understand this explanation?


    2024-06-14 07:01:01

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