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What procedures are required for renaming the property after divorce

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What procedures are required for renaming the property after divorce


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  • 2024-06-25 03:01:45

    1、 Procedures for handling transfer:
    1. In case of divorce by agreement, those who have signed the divorce agreement shall go to the notary office for property division notarization. If there is a divorce judgment, notarization is not required;
    2. Go to the trading center for transfer;
    3. Go to the Housing Authority to apply for exemption of deed tax;
    4. Go through the property division registration procedures and pay a registration fee of 50 yuan;
    5. Evidence collection.
    2、 Required information: the seller: ID card, household register, marriage certificate, property certificate, land certificate, housing sales contract. Note: The husband and wife of the seller must sign in person at the local housing property registration department. Buyer: ID card, household register and the party concerned shall sign in person at the local housing property registration department.
    3、 Article 10 of the Third Judicial Interpretation of the Marriage Law: If one of the husband and wife signed a real estate sales contract before marriage, paid the down payment with their personal property and borrowed money from the bank, and used their joint property to repay the loan after marriage, and the real estate was registered in the name of the down payment payer, the real estate should be handled by both parties through agreement at the time of divorce. If no agreement can be reached in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the people's court may decide that the real estate belongs to the property right registration party, and the outstanding loans are personal debts of the property right registration party. The amount paid by both parties after marriage and the corresponding property appreciation shall be compensated by one party of property right registration to the other party according to the principle specified in the first paragraph of Article 39 of the Marriage Law at the time of divorce.


    2024-06-25 03:01:45

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