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Conditions for Application of Chengdu Talent Apartment

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Conditions for Application of Chengdu Talent Apartment


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  • 2024-06-19 16:01:41

    1. In line with Class A, B, C and D standards in the Catalog of Urgently Needed and High end Talents in Chengdu and recognized by the Human Resources and Social Security Department;
    2. Sign labor contracts with employers in this city and pay social insurance;
    3. There is no self owned house in this city and no other preferential policies for house purchase have been enjoyed in this city.
    Measures for Housing Registration
    Article 86
    If the ownership of the house is transferred according to law, the following materials shall be submitted when applying for the registration of the transfer of the ownership of the house:
    (1) Registration application;
    (2) The identity certificate of the applicant;
    (3) House ownership certificate;
    (4) The certificate of the right to use house sites or the certificate of the right to use collectively owned construction land;
    (5) Materials proving the transfer of house ownership;
    (6) Other necessary materials. When applying for the registration of the transfer of villagers' housing ownership, the certification materials of the rural collective economic organization's consent to the transfer shall also be submitted.
    Where a rural collective economic organization applies for the registration of the transfer of house ownership, it shall also submit the evidentiary materials approved by the villagers' assembly or authorized by the villagers' assembly and approved by the villagers' representative assembly.


    2024-06-19 16:01:41

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