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Do you have to pay a fine at the designated penalty point when you are stuck with a ticket for parking?

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Do you have to pay a fine at the designated penalty point when you are stuck with a ticket for parking?


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  • 2024-06-13 17:01:41

    Do you have to pay a fine at the designated penalty point when you are stuck with a ticket for parking?
    Do you have to pay a fine at the designated penalty point when you are stuck with a ticket for parking? Vehicle violations can be handled in violation places and license plates, which means the traffic control department in the place where the violation occurs and the traffic control department in the place where your vehicle is registered. If it is illegal to stop, the ticket has a violation number. Some banks in your own place that can pay the violation fine can pay the fine directly. In addition, some network platforms can also pay the fine now. Some electronic eye violations can be handled, and you don't need to go back to the illegal place to deal with them. After patiently waiting for the violation to be uploaded to the six in one integrated application platform, it can be handled at the location of the vehicle, or of course at the location of the violation. Expanding information: several points to avoid violations: First, pay attention to the light post. When we pass the traffic lights, we must see the color of the lights and the number of seconds left. We must not worry. 2、 When driving away from the cart, don't follow the cart. The main thing to drive on the road is the bus, because you can't see the traffic lights when you follow him closely. If he steps on the yellow light, it will be red when you cross the line, so you will run the red light. Therefore, keep away from the cart and keep a certain distance, Make sure you can see whether it is a red light before you choose to pass. 3、 Pay attention to the speed measurement. Some roads may be flat, so we will drive faster. But we must pay attention to these speed measurement probes, and we must slow down in advance, because it is too uneconomical to deduct points for violations. 4、 Don't change lanes easily If you are not very proficient in driving, don't overtaking easily, just drive at your own pace on your own lane, especially when you notice that changing lanes is not allowed on solid lines, so it is easy to get points deducted and fined, and it is easy to have an accident. Do you understand this explanation?

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