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Is it illegal for ktv to ban bringing food

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Is it illegal for ktv to ban bringing food


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  • 2024-06-05 19:00:01

    KTV forbids consumers to bring their own food, which deprives consumers of their food needs during entertainment, and also forces consumers to buy food sold by KTV in disguised form. Therefore, such terms are invalid and have no binding force on consumers.

    KTV's main business is KTV, and self run supermarket is one of the service items added by KTV to facilitate consumers. According to the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Consumers' Rights and Interests, consumers have the right to choose their own goods and services. Therefore, KTV forces consumers to buy the food sold by KTV in disguised form on the ground of refusing to bring their own food, which is an infringement of restricting the freedom of consumption and forcing transactions.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 26 of the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Consumers stipulates that business operators who use standard terms in their business activities should, in a conspicuous manner, draw consumers' attention to the quantity and quality of goods or services, price or fees, time limit and method of performance, safety precautions and risk warnings, after-sales services, civil liabilities and other contents that have a significant interest to consumers, It shall be explained according to the requirements of consumers.

    Business operators shall not make unfair and unreasonable provisions to consumers by means of standard terms, notices, statements, shop notices, etc., which exclude or limit the rights of consumers, mitigate or exempt the responsibilities of business operators, and increase the responsibilities of consumers. They shall not use standard terms and use technical means to force transactions.

    If the standard terms, notices, statements, shop notices, etc. contain the contents listed in the preceding paragraph, their contents are invalid.

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