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Which units should be transferred to? What procedures should I go through?

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Which units should be transferred to? What procedures should I go through?


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  • 2024-06-14 07:01:45

    Which units should be transferred to? What procedures should I go through?
    Which units should be transferred to? What procedures should I go through? It is only necessary to provide the endowment insurance payment voucher of the original insured place to the social security bureau of the new insured place, and then individuals are not recommended to transfer. As long as the collection and transfer to the retirement place before retirement, it is only for reference that there is no transfer in the same city, but only a continuation relationship. Do you understand the explanation that the yuan ginseng insurance relationship is suspended, the social security number is given to the unit, and the unit will handle renewal uniformly?


    2024-06-14 07:01:45

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