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Will public institution personnel be dismissed if they are sentenced to probation?

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Will public institution personnel be dismissed if they are sentenced to probation?


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  • 2024-06-13 14:00:58

    Will public institution personnel be dismissed if they are sentenced to probation?
    Whether the public institution personnel will be dismissed if they are sentenced to probation is also a kind of fixed-term imprisonment that meets the conditions for dismissal. According to Article 22 of the Interim Provisions on the Punishment of the Staff of Public Institutions, if the staff of public institutions are sentenced to criminal punishment according to law, they shall be given a punishment of demotion or removal from their posts or above. Among them, those who are sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment or more according to law shall be dismissed. If a staff member of a public institution appointed by an administrative organ is sentenced to criminal punishment according to law, he shall be dismissed. Do you understand this explanation?

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