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How can I recover the money that others owe me

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How can I recover the money that others owe me


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  • 2024-06-06 04:00:02

    If others do not pay back the money they owe, the creditor can claim the debt in the following ways:

    1. Negotiation method: if others do not repay the money they owe, they can negotiate the installment repayment after the agreed repayment period expires. This method is relatively convenient, but there is no guarantee of enforcement.

    2. Litigation method: If no agreement can be reached, the creditor can bring evidence such as ID card, bill of complaint and IOU to the court to file a civil lawsuit. If the court judges the other party to repay the money and the other party still fails to repay the money within the time limit for performance specified in the judgment, the creditor may apply for compulsory execution to the court that made the judgment within two years from the date of expiration of the time limit for performance of the court judgment. This method has the guarantee of execution, but it takes a long time.

    3. Payment order: The creditor can also directly apply to the court for payment order to claim the arrears. The cost of this method is low, but it is easy to lose efficacy and then turn to litigation.

    [Legal Basis]

    In Article 123 of the Civil Procedure Law, the people's court shall safeguard the litigants' right to sue in accordance with the law. Actions brought in conformity with Article 119 of this Law must be accepted. If the conditions for prosecution are met, the case shall be filed within seven days and the parties shall be notified; If the conditions for prosecution are not met, a written order shall be made within seven days and the case shall not be accepted; If the plaintiff is not satisfied with the ruling, he may file an appeal.

    In Article 217 of the Civil Procedure Law, after receiving the written objection raised by the debtor, the people's court, after examination, found that the objection was tenable, should make a ruling to terminate the procedure for hastening payment, and the order of payment would automatically become invalid. If the order of payment is invalid, it shall be transferred to the proceedings, except that the party applying for the order of payment does not agree to bring a lawsuit.

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