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Will he be able to lend money when his warrant is issued

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Will he be able to lend money when his warrant is issued


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  • 2024-06-16 18:00:49

    When other warrants come down, it indicates that the mortgage registration has been completed, and bank loans are generally made within 5 working days. Other warrants refer to the right certificates issued by the housing management department and held by the mortgagee later. The so-called other warrant is a term related to land property rights, which is different from what we are talking about. The other rights of the house property refer to the rights of other groups or individuals other than the property owner and co owner in relation to the house property, usually referring to the mortgage rights, and the other rights certificates are held by the other rights holders. When purchasing a general house property, when choosing a mortgage loan, there will be a record of other rights in the house ownership certificate, indicating the owner of other rights, the type of rights (such as mortgage, mortgage, etc.), the scope of rights (the housing scope of other rights), the value of rights (the lease price of other rights), the duration of rights (the lease term), and the cancellation date (the date when other rights disappear), And these contents are also indicated in the certificate of other rights. According to the Guarantee Law, the house property is mortgaged, that is, the ownership certificate of other property has not been cancelled, and the right to dispose of the house property is restricted. Without the consent of the mortgagee, no legal transaction can be carried out, and no relevant formalities such as property right transfer can be handled.

    Legal basis

    Article 217 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China [Relationship between the real estate register and the real estate ownership certificate] The real estate ownership certificate is the proof that the obligee enjoys the real right of the real estate. The items recorded in the real estate ownership certificate shall be consistent with the real estate register; If the records are inconsistent, the real estate register shall prevail, unless there is evidence to prove that there is an error in the real estate register.

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