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What is an economic dispute?

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What is an economic dispute?


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  • 2024-06-14 09:01:40

    What is an economic dispute? What is an economic dispute correctly means an economic management and cooperation dispute. It refers to the disputes between individuals with unequal subordination status of economic organizations and their economic organizations, between subordinate organizations and their superior organizations, or between different economic organizations with economic cooperative subordination relationships formed according to the contract according to law, based on the relationship of economic interests and organizational management responsibilities. It is mainly manifested in the dispute over the operation and management authority between the contracting parties (property management enterprises and specific owners and owners' committees) based on the business property management entrustment contract. Disputes over the rights and obligations of economic affairs autonomy between individual owners and owners' groups, owners' meetings, owners' committees or residential district management committees based on the right of restoration and membership; Relevant units should assist each other in accordance with the property management laws and regulations but fail to do their duty to assist disputes, etc. When economic disputes arise between family members, it is generally impossible to avoid non legal factors such as feelings. Such cases have their own particularity, which requires special consideration of family ethics and family morality, and should not violate the principle of public order and good customs. Do you understand this explanation?


    2024-06-14 09:01:40

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