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Which contracts are invalid third parties

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Which contracts are invalid third parties


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  • 2024-06-19 09:00:58

    One party entered into a contract by means of fraud or coercion, thereby harming the interests of the State; Malicious collusion harms the interests of the state, the collective or a third party; Cover up illegal purpose in legal form; Damage to social and public interests; Violation of mandatory provisions of laws and administrative regulations. A contract under any of the above circumstances is invalid. According to the provisions of China's Contract Law, if the contract infringes the interests of a third party, the third party has the right to request the court to confirm that the contract is invalid.

    Legal basis:

    Article 506 of the Civil Code? The following exemption clauses in the contract are invalid:

    (1) Causing personal damage to the other party;

    (2) Causing property losses to the other party due to intentional misconduct or gross negligence.

  • civil Relevant knowledge

  • law

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