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Is it possible to file a lawsuit for the matter ten years ago?

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Is it possible to file a lawsuit for the matter ten years ago?


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  • 2024-06-13 23:00:49

    Is it possible to file a lawsuit for the matter ten years ago? Is it possible to bring a lawsuit against a matter ten years ago? As long as the facts ten years ago were not judged by the court, they can still be brought to the court. However, the general limitation of action for creditor's rights is two years, and the limitation of compensation for personal injury is one year, which is calculated from the expiration of the debt repayment period or from the time when one should know that his rights and interests have been damaged. Therefore, the matter ten years ago is basically out of time. Although it can be brought to the court and the court should accept it, there is a risk of losing the lawsuit. It depends on the actual situation. Do you understand this explanation?

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