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Whether the driver's license of 70 year old people is cancelled

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Whether the driver's license of 70 year old people is cancelled


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  • 2024-06-14 16:01:41

    The driving licenses of 70 year old people who are low-speed trucks, tricycles, ordinary tricycles, ordinary bicycles and wheeled mechanical vehicles will be cancelled.
    Article 59 of the Provisions on the Application and Use of Motor Vehicle Driving Licenses stipulates that those over the age of 60 are not allowed to drive large buses, tractors, city buses, medium-sized buses, large trucks, trolleys and trams; Those who hold driver's licenses for large passenger cars, tractors, city buses, medium-sized buses, and large trucks shall go to the vehicle management office at the place where the driver's license is issued or outside the place where the license is issued to replace the driver's license for a motor vehicle whose driving model is a small car or a small automatic transmission vehicle. Those over the age of 70 are not allowed to drive low-speed trucks, tricycles, ordinary tricycles, ordinary two wheeled motorcycles and wheeled self-propelled mechanical vehicles; Those who hold the driving license of ordinary tricycle or ordinary bicycle shall go to the place where the motor vehicle driving license is issued or the vehicle management office outside the place where the license is issued to renew the driving license of a motor vehicle whose permitted model is a moped. When applying, the applicant shall fill in the application form and submit the certificates and vouchers specified in Article 57.
    Article 19 of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that the driver of a motor vehicle shall obtain a motor vehicle driving license according to law. When applying for a motor vehicle driving license, the driver shall meet the driving license conditions prescribed by the public security department under the State Council; After passing the examination, the traffic control department of the public security organ shall issue a motor vehicle driving license of the corresponding category. A Chinese motor vehicle driver's license may be issued to a person who holds a foreign motor vehicle driver's license, meets the driving license conditions prescribed by the public security department under the State Council, and has passed the examination of the traffic control department of the public security organ. The driver shall drive the motor vehicle in accordance with the permitted model specified in the driver's license; When driving a motor vehicle, the driver shall carry his motor vehicle driving license with him. No unit or individual other than the traffic control department of the public security organ may confiscate or detain the motor vehicle driving license. Article 23 stipulates that the traffic control department of the public security organ shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, conduct regular verification of motor vehicle driving licenses.
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