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How to remove members of the industry committee

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How to remove members of the industry committee


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  • 2024-06-14 18:00:01

    According to Article 29 of the Rules of the Owners' Congress, "if the owners' committee or more than 20% of the owners propose that it is necessary to change the members of the owners' committee, the owners' congress meeting shall make a decision and make a written announcement in the property management area. To remove a member or chairman of the industry committee, an application must be submitted, which must be proposed by the owners' committee or more than 20% of the owners, and checked by the owners' committee to see whether the number of people is sufficient. If the conditions are met, a meeting shall be held to vote. If the conditions are not met, a written decision will be made not to hold the meeting. It should be noted that the member or chairman of the owner committee may not be removed upon the proposal of the owner committee or more than 20% of the owners. Whether or not to be recalled finally depends on the decision made at the owners' meeting. According to the regulations, if the owner committee has reviewed and approved the proposal, and considers that the proposal complies with the rules of procedure of the owner's meeting, and the number of proposed owners reaches more than 20% of the total voting rights, the owner committee can decide to convene an interim owner's meeting. The owners' committee shall hold a temporary owners' meeting according to the notice time, and the owners' meeting shall make a decision on the reasons for removing the members and chairman of the owners' committee. Whether the resolution is passed or not, it shall be announced. The removal of members of the owners' committee shall be carried out with caution and in a reasonable and effective manner. It should follow strict procedures, otherwise it will be invalid. In addition, the owners should also note that only the owners' committee has the right to hold owners' meetings and temporary owners' meetings. What are the circumstances of the termination of the membership of the owner committee? Under any of the following circumstances, the membership of the owners' committee will be terminated upon the approval of the owners' meeting: 1. The members of the owners' committee are no longer owners due to property transfer, loss or other reasons; 2. Absence from the owner's committee meeting for more than three consecutive times without reason; 3. Loss of ability to perform duties due to illness or other reasons; 4. Having committed a criminal act; 5. Submit his resignation in writing to the owners' meeting; 6 Refusing to perform the Owner's obligations; 7. It is not suitable to be a member of the owner's committee for other reasons. If the membership of the owners' committee is terminated, the archives, seals and other property belonging to the owners' conference shall be handed over to the owners' committee within 3 days from the date of termination. If the owners' assembly is dissolved due to the change of property management area and other reasons, before the dissolution, the owners' assembly and owners' committee shall, under the guidance and supervision of the real estate administrative departments of the district and county people's governments and the sub district offices (township people's governments), do a good job in the liquidation of the owners' common property. The owners' assembly and the owners' committee shall perform their duties according to law, and shall not make decisions or engage in activities unrelated to property management. If the decision made by the owners' assembly or the owners' committee violates laws and regulations, the real estate administrative department of the district or county people's government where the property is located shall order it to correct within a time limit or revoke its decision, and notify all owners. The above is the legal knowledge about how to dismiss the members of the industry committee. Have you learned it?

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