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What to do if the letter of confirmation for handling traffic accidents by simple procedure is unclear

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What to do if the letter of confirmation for handling traffic accidents by simple procedure is unclear


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  • 2024-06-28 19:00:55

    [Legal Opinion]
    If there is any objection to the letter of responsibility determination, you can apply for review. Escape is generally full responsibility. Unless there is evidence to prove that you are also at fault, the other party's responsibility can be mitigated.
    If you are not satisfied with the responsibility for the accident, you can apply to the superior for review within three days after receiving the accident confirmation letter.
    [Legal Basis]
    Regulations on Road Traffic Accident Handling Procedures
    Article 51 If the party concerned disagrees with the determination of road traffic accidents, he may, within three days from the date of service of the determination of road traffic accidents, submit a written application for review to the traffic management department of the public security organ at the next higher level. The application for reexamination shall specify the request for reexamination, its reasons and main evidence.
    Article 52 The traffic control department of the public security organ at the next higher level shall decide whether to accept or not within five days after receiving the party's written application for review. Under any of the following circumstances, the application for review shall not be accepted and the party concerned shall be notified in writing.
    (1) Any party brings a lawsuit to the people's court and the court accepts it;
    (2) The people's procuratorate approves the arrest of a criminal suspect in a traffic accident;
    (3) Road traffic accidents that apply simple procedures;
    (4) An accident that occurs when a vehicle passes off the road.
    If the traffic control department of the public security organ accepts the application for review, it shall notify the parties in writing.


    2024-06-28 19:00:55

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