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How to transfer the house with divorce loan

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How to transfer the house with divorce loan


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  • 2024-06-22 04:01:43

    1. It is to transfer the mortgage house jointly owned by both divorce parties to one of the original couple
    2. It is to transfer the mortgage house owned by one of the divorce parties to the other party
    If this is the case, the bank loan needs to be repaid. If the loan is not paid off for the time being, the divorced party can apply to another bank for re mortgage in its own name, and handle the transfer of ownership after the mortgage property certificate in the bank is released. However, due to the troublesome procedures of re mortgage, most banks have stopped this business. For this reason, the bank gives two suggestions. One is to transfer the ownership through the normal business process, pay the deed tax again and evaluate the guarantee fee. The other is to continue to use the bank card of the original mortgagor to pay the loan after the notarization of the property at the notary office. Generally, more residents adopt the second method.

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