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Is it an insurance liability if the vehicle is stolen when it is unattended?

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Is it an insurance liability if the vehicle is stolen when it is unattended?


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  • 2024-06-14 06:00:49

    Is it an insurance liability if the vehicle is stolen when it is unattended? If the vehicle is stolen without being watched, it is not insurance liability but insurance liability. Compensation scope for theft and rescue 1. Direct economic losses caused to the insured due to theft or robbery of the whole insured vehicle. Three months after the vehicle is stolen and robbed, the insurer shall compensate according to the insured amount or the actual value of the vehicle at the time of accident. 2. The theft of parts or accessories of the insured vehicle does not constitute theft of the whole vehicle, which is not an insurance liability, and the insurance company will not settle claims. 3. After the entire insurance vehicle is stolen, the case is filed by the public security department, and the person who has not been found for more than three months is the insurance liability; It is found that the vehicle has been damaged or the parts and accessories on the vehicle have been lost within three months. The loss caused by the theft and robbery of the whole vehicle is also an insurance liability, and the insurance company will make corresponding compensation according to the insurance terms. 4. If the whole insured vehicle has been stolen and robbed for more than three months, the insurance company may make compensation according to regulations after obtaining the transfer of vehicle rights and interests from the insured. When the insured amount is higher than or equal to the actual value of the vehicle, compensation shall be made according to the actual value; When the insured amount is lower than the actual value of the vehicle, compensation shall be made according to the insured amount. 5. If the public security department finds the stolen and robbed vehicle after the insurance company makes compensation, it can return the vehicle to the insured, cancel the transfer of rights and interests, and recover the corresponding compensation. If the insured is unwilling to take back the original car, the ownership of the car belongs to the insurance company. 6. If the theft and robbery of the vehicle is caused by the insured and its driver's poor management of the vehicle, and they are fully responsible for the accident, the insurance company will deduct 20% of the compensation. 7. The insurance premium for theft and rescue is 20%~30% of the vehicle loss insurance premium, that is, the theft and rescue insurance premium=(basic insurance premium for vehicle loss insurance+insurance amount X rate) X20%~30%. Do you understand this explanation?

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