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Can I get a loan for my marriage certificate

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Can I get a loan for my marriage certificate


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  • 2024-06-26 11:01:40

    There are various kinds of loans nowadays, and people have more and more ways to apply for loans. The collateral and subject matter used for loans are also various. Some time ago, someone asked whether it was possible to apply for a loan with a marriage certificate.
    Generally, loans are divided into mortgage loans, pledge loans and credit loans. Mortgage and pledge loan means that the loan applicant takes corresponding assets to mortgage or pledge in financial institutions to obtain loans. Obviously, the marriage certificate itself has no property value and cannot be regarded as an asset, so it cannot be mortgaged or pledged. Credit loan is a way for financial institutions to grant loans to borrowers based on their credit. There is no need to mortgage or pledge anything, so there is no need for a marriage certificate.
    The bank requires the loan applicant to present the marriage certificate in order to comprehensively review the credit information and assets of the lender to assess the risk of lending funds. Even if the decision to lend money is finally made, it must not be because of the marriage certificate. When applying for a loan, the borrower should not only show his marriage certificate, but also provide the bank with legally valid identity certificates and income certificates that can effectively prove his income. Those who pay social security and provident fund should provide the bank with payment records and other materials. Only showing his marriage certificate can not obtain a loan.
    Legal basis:
    Article 35 of the General Principles of Loans
    When applying for a loan, the borrower shall simultaneously provide one or more of the following information:
    (1) Basic information of the borrower (and guarantor);
    (2) Natural persons must provide valid identity certificates and relevant credit status certificates;
    (3) Legal persons and other organizations must provide relevant financial reports, of which the annual report must be audited by the relevant department or accounting (auditing) firm with legal effect, and enterprise (public) legal persons should also provide a loan card (number);
    (4) List of mortgaged property (pledge), certificate of consent to mortgage (pledge) of the person with the right to dispose, or relevant certification documents of the guarantor's consent to guarantee;
    (5) Other relevant materials deemed necessary by the lender.

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