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What rights and obligations do illegitimate children have

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What rights and obligations do illegitimate children have


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  • 2024-06-26 16:01:32

    The illegitimate children are legally called illegitimate children, which refers to children born outside of legal marriage. Those born through legal marriage are legally called legitimate children. According to China's laws, illegitimate children have the same rights and obligations as legitimate children, and their legal position is completely equal to that of legitimate children, Children born out of wedlock have the right to claim the paternal or maternal surname; Have the right to require the biological father or mother to pay living expenses and education expenses; Have the right to claim the inheritance of the natural father or mother. When a minor born out of wedlock causes damage to others, his or her parents are also obliged to bear civil compensation liability for him or her. Like a legitimate child, if his or her parents, grandparents, or maternal grandparents die or have no guardianship capacity, the children born out of wedlock are all brothers and sisters, It means that under the above circumstances, the young children born out of wedlock have the right to require their elder brothers and sisters born in wedlock or out of wedlock to bear the responsibility of guardianship. When they cause damage to others, their elder brothers and sisters born in wedlock and out of wedlock have the same obligation to bear civil liability for them as their legitimate children, Children born out of wedlock also have the obligation to support their parents for health care. The key to effectively protecting the legitimate rights and interests of children born out of wedlock is to confirm their identity, that is, only by confirming their identity can their legitimate rights and interests be effectively protected. According to relevant laws in China, children born out of wedlock also enjoy the same rights as children born in wedlock, Therefore, the illegitimate children also enjoy the right of inheritance as the first order heirs of the estate after the death of their parents

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