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How to make up for the loss of basic endowment insurance

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How to make up for the loss of basic endowment insurance


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  • 2024-06-14 19:00:55

    How to make up when the basic endowment insurance is out of stock? There are two ways for Beijing to make up for pension insurance: one is to make up for it by individuals: arrears due to personal reasons (such as unemployment or transfer between two units). The individual shall make the supplementary payment at the individual pension insurance company in the residence area. The supplementary payment standard is based on the average social wage of the year, accounting for 18%. The second is the unit's supplementary payment: if the payment is delayed or missed due to the unit's reason, the unit shall make supplementary payment. According to the average social wage and proportion of that year. The pension insurance should be paid for at least 15 years, and you can enjoy the pension for life when you retire. If you are a male, you should retire at the age of 60. It is exactly 15 years from now to retirement, which can ensure that you will receive the pension monthly after retirement; If you are a female (50 or 55 years retired) and have not paid 15 years by the time of retirement, you can apply for postponing the retirement procedures and make up for the insufficient years. After the formal retirement procedures are completed, it does not affect your monthly pension benefits. If you do not want to delay retirement, you can also choose to make up for it in a lump sum. Then let's extend this problem to: the calculation rules and methods of late fees are as follows: the calculation rules of late fees: monthly social insurance premiums payable × days in arrears × 5/10000=late fees (rounded to two decimal places); Calculation method for the number of days of overdue fine: the end date of overdue fine calculation - the start date of overdue fine calculation+1; Start date of late fee calculation: the first day of the second month of the settlement date is used; End date of overdue fine calculation: the day before the generation date of supplementary payment of the declaration form. On December 23, 2014, the report on the overall promotion of urban and rural social security system construction at the 12th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress clearly stated that we should promote the reform of the old-age insurance system of government agencies and institutions and establish a unified old-age insurance system with urban employees. The contradiction of pension "dual track system" will be resolved from the system and mechanism. The above content is the lawyer's answer on how to make up for the broken basic endowment insurance, for your reference.


    2024-06-14 19:00:55

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