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Head type allowed by the police

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Head type allowed by the police


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  • 2024-06-14 21:00:00

    Wear police uniform and keep a clean face.
    (1) Unless it is inappropriate or unnecessary to wear uniforms, police uniforms must be worn during working hours.
    (2) They should wear matching police uniforms, and different types of police uniforms should not be mixed.
    (3) It shall standardize the affixing of nails and the wearing of police rank symbols, police stations, chest badges, hat badges, necklaces, armbands, etc. It is not allowed to wear other signs that have nothing to do with the identity of the people's police or the performance of official duties.
    (4) They shall cherish and properly keep police uniforms, police rank symbols, police numbers, chest badges, hat badges, necklaces, armbands, etc.
    (5) Public security police should keep their hair neat and tidy. It is not allowed to dye colorful hair except for special tasks. Male police officers are not allowed to wear long hair, big sideburns, curly hair (except natural curls), shave their heads or grow beards. Female police officers are not allowed to wear their hair over their shoulders.
    (6) Public security police are not allowed to tattoo, dye or grow their nails, or wear heavy makeup.
    Can policewomen wear long hair?
    Women policemen can wear long hair. According to relevant laws and regulations, except for work needs, public security police shall not burn, dye or leave obvious exaggerated hair colors and hairstyles. Male policemen are not allowed to have long hair, big sideburns, curly hair (except natural curls) or beards. Except for pathology and other factors, public security police shall not shave their heads. Women policemen with long hair should wear their hair tied and their braids should not be over their shoulders.
    When dressing, public security policemen shall wear caps, except in office areas, dormitories or other special circumstances. To sum up, the police's hairstyle requirements are not exaggerated color and hairstyle, neat and tidy. Do you understand? Article 16 (1) of the Internal Affairs Ordinance of the People's Police of Public Security Organs, public security police shall keep their hair neat and tidy. It is not allowed to dye colorful hair except for special tasks. Male police officers are not allowed to wear long hair, big sideburns, curly hair (except natural curls), shave their heads or grow beards. Female police officers are not allowed to wear their hair over their shoulders.
    (2) Public security police are not allowed to tattoo, dye or grow their nails, or wear heavy makeup.

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