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The annual individual income tax paid is more than 60000. What is the annual income?

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The annual individual income tax paid is more than 60000. What is the annual income?


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  • 2024-06-14 11:00:00

    The annual income is 354240 yuan. Calculation process: if you need to pay 60000 yuan of individual income tax a year, it will be equally amortized to 5000 yuan per month. Suppose you pay 2000 yuan per month for five insurances and one fund. Then: 5000=(X-2000-3500) × 25% - 1005, X=29520 (yuan). Therefore, the annual income needs to reach 354240 yuan to pay 60000 yuan of individual income tax. The calculation formula of individual income tax is: tax payable=(salary income - "five insurances and one fund" - deduction amount) × applicable tax rate - quick calculation deduction amount. Taxpayers of individual income tax include both resident taxpayers and non resident taxpayers. Resident taxpayers have the obligation to pay full tax and must pay individual income tax on all their income from sources inside or outside China; Non resident taxpayers only pay individual income tax on their income from sources within China. Then let's extend this question to three different tax rates for individual income tax according to different tax items: wages and salary income. The 7-level progressive tax rate is applicable, and the tax is calculated on the monthly taxable income. The tax rate is divided into seven levels according to the taxable income of individual monthly salary and salary. The highest level is 45%, and the lowest level is 3%. The income from production and operation of individual businesses and enterprises and public institutions shall be subject to the progressive tax rate for excess of five levels. The income from production and business operations of self-employed industrial and commercial households calculated on an annual basis and paid in advance in monthly installments, and the annual taxable income from contracted and leased operations of enterprises and institutions are divided into five levels, with the lowest level being 5% and the highest level being 35%. Proportional tax rate. Individual income tax shall be levied on individual income from remuneration for contributions, remuneration for labor services, royalties, interest, dividends, bonuses, property leasing, property transfer, incidental income and other income, calculated on a case by case basis, and the proportional tax rate of 20% shall apply. Among them, the proportional tax rate of 20% shall be applied to the income from author's remuneration, and the tax payable shall be reduced by 30%.

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