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What is the level 7 compensation standard for industrial injury appraisal?

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What is the level 7 compensation standard for industrial injury appraisal?


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  • 2024-06-13 14:00:59

    What is the level 7 compensation standard for industrial injury appraisal?
    What is the level 7 compensation standard for industrial injury appraisal? According to the Regulations on Industrial Injury Insurance, those with silicosis identified as Grade 7 disability in Phase I labor capacity shall enjoy the following benefits: 1. If the expenses required for treatment of industrial injury meet the diagnosis and treatment items catalogue of industrial injury insurance, the pharmaceutical catalogue of industrial injury insurance, and the hospitalization service standards of industrial injury insurance, they shall be paid from the industrial injury insurance fund; 2. The work-related injury insurance fund shall pay the inpatient board allowance according to the standards stipulated by the province or city where the employee is located; 3. In case of suspension of work to receive medical treatment for work-related injuries, the original wages and benefits shall remain unchanged during the period of suspension with salary, and shall be paid by the unit where he works on a monthly basis; 4. The employer shall be responsible for the nursing during the period when the patient cannot take care of himself during hospitalization; 5. A one-time disability subsidy for 13 months' salary shall be paid from the industrial injury insurance fund; 6. The appraisal fee of labor capacity shall be paid by the industrial injury insurance fund; 7. When labor is terminated or terminated, a one-time medical subsidy for work-related injury shall be paid from the work-related injury insurance fund, and a one-time employment subsidy for disability shall be paid by the employer. The specific standards shall be formulated by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. If the employer does not participate in the work injury insurance, the employer shall pay all the expenses. The personal salary for calculating the one-time disability subsidy refers to the average monthly payment salary of the injured workers in the 12 months before they suffer from accident injury or occupational disease due to work. Do you understand this explanation?


    2024-06-13 14:00:59

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