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Can I apply for compensation for work delay after being rear ended

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Can I apply for compensation for work delay after being rear ended


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  • 2024-06-14 13:01:03

    As the injured party of the accident, it can claim for the vehicle delay fee from the responsible party, but it must be able to provide proof of the direct loss of the vehicle caused by the accident. According to the provisions of the Judicial Interpretation on Compensation for Personal Injury, the subject of the compensation for lost wages is the victim. Therefore, the subject of the claim for the lost wages can only be the victim. The compensation for lost time is for the decrease of the victim's normal income, that is, the main victim can claim compensation from the compensation obligor if he can prove that his normal income has been affected by the traffic accident. How should the injured party of a traffic accident claim for the lost time fee? 1. The lost time pay cannot be simply understood as a person who has not yet retired. To judge the lost time pay, we should not only consider the identity of the victim, but should determine whether there is a lost time pay based on the reduction of the actual income of the victim. 2. Secondly, the loss of work delay suffered by the relatives of the victims due to the care of the victims belongs to the category of nursing fees, which can be obtained by claiming for nursing fees. The loss of work delay of the relatives of the victims cannot be included in the work delay fees, otherwise it will be a repeated claim. 3. Moreover, if the victim dies due to a traffic accident, there will be no delay fee. However, their close relatives may have lost their jobs due to funeral expenses and other matters. This loss should be classified as funeral expenses and claimed by claiming funeral expenses. In some areas, it is clearly stipulated that, in principle, the number of relatives handling funeral expenses should not exceed three, and the number of relatives who exceed the number should be calculated as three. The above is the legal knowledge about whether the car after being rear ended can apply for compensation for lost wages. Have you learned it?


    2024-06-14 13:01:03

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