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What is the recognition and compensation standard for the death of employees in public institutions on business?

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What is the recognition and compensation standard for the death of employees in public institutions on business?


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  • 2024-06-14 12:00:48

    [Treatment for death at work] Article 37 of the Regulations on Work related Injury Insurance stipulates that relatives of injured workers shall enjoy the following benefits: (1) funeral subsidies paid from the work injury insurance fund for the average salary of local workers for six months; (2) The pension for supporting relatives shall be paid monthly from the industrial injury insurance fund: the spouse shall be 40% of his/her salary, the other relatives shall be 30% of his/her salary, and the elderly or orphans shall be increased by 10% according to the above standards; (3) From the industrial injury insurance fund, the local workers' average wage standard is 48 to 60 months of one-time death allowance. Personal salary refers to the average monthly payment salary of the injured employee 12 months before the accident; The salary standard shall not be less than 60% of the average salary of local employees. Pensions for dependent relatives shall be adjusted by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in due course every year. [Work related injuries of public institutions and non-governmental organizations] According to the Circular of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security on Issues Related to Work related Injuries of Staff of Public Institutions and Non profit Organizations (LSBF (2005) No. 36), in order to ensure that the staff of public institutions and non profit organizations who suffer from accidents or occupational diseases due to work can enjoy work injury insurance benefits according to law, According to the Regulations on Industrial Injury Insurance, and with the approval of the State Council, we hereby notify the following relevant issues: if the staff of public institutions and non-governmental non-profit organizations suffer from accident injuries or occupational diseases due to work, their scope of industrial injury, identification of industrial injury, identification of labor capacity, and treatment standards shall be subject to the Regulations on Industrial Injury Insurance. [Industrial injury benefits of public institutions] Article 62 of the Regulations on Industrial Injury Insurance stipulates that if the staff of state organs, public institutions and social organizations conducting personnel management according to or in accordance with the civil service system suffer from accident injuries or occupational diseases, the unit to which they belong shall pay the costs.

    2024-06-14 12:00:48

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