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How to write the statement of defense against divorce in divorce proceedings

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How to write the statement of defense against divorce in divorce proceedings


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  • 2024-06-21 23:00:57

    Respondent: Hong
    The respondent has made the following defense against the Plaintiff's "Divorce Petition" for the case of divorce dispute brought by the Plaintiff:
    The respondent refused to admit the plaintiff's claim and resolutely refused to divorce. The reasons for divorce claimed by the plaintiff are totally false and totally untenable. Main reasons:
    1、 The Respondent and the Plaintiff have emotional foundation, and their feelings after marriage are also good.
    1. The Respondent and the Plaintiff got married and had a good relationship. The respondent has been doing housework at home, and is a virtuous wife.
    2. The plaintiff claimed that the respondent did not want to stay at home since the birth of the children of both parties, which was a false statement.
    3. The plaintiff said in the petition that the joint debt of the husband and wife amounted to 26800 yuan, and that there was no such debt, which was a false statement.
    The respondent and the plaintiff have lived together for so many years and know that the plaintiff is not bad in nature and has a good character. Even if the plaintiff filed for divorce, the respondent firmly refused to divorce. The respondent has the determination, confidence and ability to save and influence the plaintiff. As long as there is space and time, the contradiction between the two sides can be reconciled. I am also willing to change myself. If the plaintiff is determined to divorce, the plaintiff is requested to pay the respondent a total of 300000 yuan for seven years of youth loss. The child shall be brought up by the respondent, and the maintenance fee shall be borne by the plaintiff.
    2、 The relationship between the husband and wife of both parties has not broken down, and there are young children who need to be raised and educated by both parties. The respondent does not agree to divorce.
    The respondent has never applied for divorce to the plaintiff. In order to achieve the purpose of divorce, the plaintiff made up all sorts of fabrications in its petition, and did everything possible to create something out of nothing.
    The contradiction between the respondent and the plaintiff's husband and wife relationship is due to the plaintiff's reasons. The plaintiff has repeatedly committed violence after marriage, using scissors and other objects to hurt the respondent, or the respondent's mother and family gave treatment. In April, the plaintiff violently beat the respondent in the Riverside Park, saying that the respondent would be dragged into the Yellow River and thrown away. The respondent informed the plaintiff's uncle of this matter. On May 2, the plaintiff told his uncle after drinking that the respondent should leave the house and leave the child in the plaintiff's home because the respondent told his uncle of this matter. After being driven out of the house, the respondent lived outside to work, and the respondent had not gone out to work before. Therefore, the plaintiff said in the petition that the respondent's work outside was inconsistent with the facts. After going out, the respondent missed the children and went to the plaintiff's home to visit the children. The plaintiff did not give a visit, which was really not in line with the human feelings. The plaintiff, because the respondent was willing to give more tolerance and understanding, eliminated the misunderstanding between them through communication. I don't want to see young children hurt by divorce, so that children can grow up in a crippled family.
    3、 The respondent kindly requests the court to comprehensively consider the facts of the case and resolve the contradiction between us in combination with the legal provisions.
    The respondent requests the collegial panel to analyze the root cause of the contradiction between the two sides based on the facts of the case, and to help us overcome this "threshold" and maintain our family, which should not have been dissolved, by patiently and carefully persuading.
    To sum up, the plaintiff's claim has no factual and legal basis, and the court is requested to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the respondent, protect the legal marriage relationship, safeguard the legal rights of women, and reject the plaintiff's


    2024-06-21 23:00:57

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