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Is the passenger in the passenger seat responsible for the accident or bear the loss?

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Is the passenger in the passenger seat responsible for the accident or bear the loss?


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  • 2024-06-14 18:00:02

    The person in the co driver's seat in an accident does not need a person in charge, and the accident caused by the driver shall be borne by the driver according to the responsibility of the traffic police. Usually, the passengers are asked to cooperate in the investigation to understand the situation of the accident and determine specific responsibilities. According to Article 72 of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, the traffic management department of the public security organ shall immediately send traffic police to the scene after receiving the traffic accident alarm, organize to rescue the injured first, and take measures to restore traffic as soon as possible. The traffic police shall conduct an inquest and inspection of the scene of the traffic accident and collect evidence; The vehicle involved in the accident may be detained for the purpose of collecting evidence, but it shall be kept properly for verification. The traffic control department of the public security organ shall entrust a special agency to conduct a highly professional examination of the physical and mental conditions of the parties. The expert conclusion shall be signed by the expert witness. Article 73 The traffic control department of the public security organ shall, on the basis of the on-site inspection, examination and investigation of the traffic accident and the relevant conclusions of inspection and appraisal, promptly prepare a written confirmation of the traffic accident as evidence for handling the traffic accident. The letter of determination of traffic accidents shall state the basic facts of the traffic accidents, the causes of the traffic accidents and the responsibilities of the parties concerned, and shall be served on the parties concerned. What are the provisions of the laws of our country on the handling methods after safety accidents? Article 70 of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, in case of a traffic accident on the road, the vehicle driver shall stop immediately to protect the scene; If personal injury or death is caused, the driver of the vehicle shall immediately rescue the injured and promptly report to the traffic police on duty or the traffic control department of the public security organ. If the scene is changed due to rescuing the injured, the location shall be indicated. Passengers, drivers of passing vehicles and pedestrians shall provide assistance. If a traffic accident occurs on the road, without causing personal injury or death, and the parties have no dispute about the facts and causes, they can immediately leave the scene, resume traffic, and negotiate on their own to deal with the matter of compensation for damages; If they do not leave the scene immediately, they shall promptly report to the traffic police on duty or the traffic management department of the public security organ. If a traffic accident occurs on the road, which only causes minor property losses, and the basic facts are clear, the parties shall first leave the scene and then negotiate for settlement. Is the above about the responsibility or loss of the passenger in the passenger seat in an accident? Have you learned the knowledge of law?


    2024-06-14 18:00:02

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