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Notary office, what is the fair charge for property?

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Notary office, what is the fair charge for property?


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  • 2024-06-14 07:01:45

    Notary office, what is the fair charge for property? Notary office, what is the fair charge for real estate? 1. For the certificate of stock, house transfer, purchase and sale, or paid transfer of land use right, the charge shall be three thousandths of the face value of the stock or the house price, but the minimum charge shall not be less than 10 yuan; 2. The fee for proving the total amount collected by the recipient of property inheritance and gift: (1) 1% if the amount is less than 10000 yuan, but the minimum fee is 10 yuan; (2) If the price is more than 10000 yuan, 2% will be charged. The types of real estate notarization are different, as follows: First, the notarization of real estate inheritance, that is, the notarization of inheritance rights. The notarization of the right of inheritance is a notarial certificate issued by a notary office after a series of work, such as identification and material verification of the person who inherited the private property of the deceased, according to the right of inheritance recognized by national laws, such as legal inheritance, testamentary inheritance and contractual inheritance. In other words, if children or family members want to inherit the property, they must have a notarial certificate handled by the notary office; 2、 Notarization of wills. 1. Testament notarization refers to a legal act in which a citizen makes arrangements for his own property before he dies, which is notarized by a national notary office and becomes legally effective immediately upon his death. To this end, the content of the will must meet the following conditions: (1) clear mind and capacity (2) The content of the will should be legal, and the inheritance right of the person who has no capacity for conduct or independent living cannot be deprived; (3) The property in the will is personal legal property. 2. The will should include the following contents: (1) the name, gender, date of birth and address of the testator; (2) The status of the property disposed of by will (name, quantity, location, and whether it is jointly owned, mortgaged, etc.) (3) Specific handling opinions on property and other matters; (4) If there is an executor, the name, sex, age and address of the executor shall be clearly stated; (5) The date when the will was made and the signature of the testator was notarized The testament to dispose of the house property was not notarized, after the will came into effect, its legal inheritance and the beneficiary of the will can negotiate and sign the estate division agreement according to the content of the will, and after the notarization, go to the real estate management department to handle the transfer registration procedures of the ownership of the house property; 3、 To notarize the donated property, the donor's "gift notarization certificate" and the donee's "gift acceptance notarization certificate" should be handled, or both parties should jointly handle the "gift contract notarization certificate"; Materials to be submitted for donation notarization: 1. ID card and household register of the applicant; 2. The ownership certificate of the donated property; 3. If the gift property belongs to common ownership, the proof of joint ownership and the opinions of the co owners on agreeing to the gift shall be provided; 4. Original gift contract or letter; 5. Other materials that the notary deems necessary. Note: (1) The applicant refers to both the donor and the donee in the notarization of the gift contract, and only refers to the donor in the notarization of the gift certificate. (2) The applicant shall apply for this notarization in person at the notary office. Do you understand this explanation?


    2024-06-14 07:01:45

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