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How to play Taizhou Mahjong? How long will it take to customize this game?


All answers Of two Answers)

    2023-05-15 13:46:39
  •  Hello, landlord, Taizhou Mahjong implements the round house system. That is to say, if the dealer's Hu card is used, the player will be connected to the village. If the dealer's Hu card is not used, the player who moves counterclockwise will be the next player. The sign of the player's seat in each plate. The dealer in each game is fixed at the east wind position, the next is the south wind position, the opposite is the west wind position, and the upper is the north wind position.
    Love*** | 2023-05-15 13:46:39 zero zero comment
  • 2023-05-15 13:51:41
  •  Laotie, it takes about 1-2 months to customize mahjong, chess and card games, because all the interface styles and functions are customized by source code, and it needs to meet the needs of developers constantly to ensure the quality of the game, without the problem of bug and vulnerability cards. You can go to Dayou Network Technology to learn about them. They have regular development teams and top technicians in Hunan. The service is up to standard and the communication is timely. All the featured styles can be customized according to the needs of the players. They can be produced by H5. The development cycle is short, the price is favorable, the package is fast, there is after-sales service, and there is no need to worry about upgrading and repairing.
    He*** | 2023-05-15 13:51:41 zero zero comment
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