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Chess and mahjong

Which company can develop Hubei Yichang Huapai and Xiaogan Mahjong chess and card games? How long does the development cycle take?


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    2023-05-15 16:16:18
  •  Laotie, I know these two games. Yichang Huapai and Xiaogan Mahjong are popular chess and card games with local characteristics in Hubei. I saw them in their demo versions when I visited Dayou Online. The game is very good. The development cycle depends on whether you want finished products or customized development. The ready-made game products can help operators to maintain rapid release and operation within about a week. If customized, the time is about 1 to 2 months. The specific time depends on your needs and development difficulty. You can ask that they have a professional technical team for careful research and professional design; To provide customers with R&D, construction, sales

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     Laotie, I know these two games. Yichang Huapai and Xiaogan Mahjong are popular chess and card games with local characteristics in Hubei. I saw them in their demo versions when I visited Dayou Online. The game is very good. The development cycle depends on whether you want finished products or customized development. The ready-made game products can help operators to maintain rapid release and operation within about a week. If customized, the time is about 1 to 2 months. The specific time depends on your needs and development difficulty. You can ask that they have a professional technical team for careful research and professional design; Provide customers with comprehensive services in R&D, construction and after-sales
    Xu*** | 2023-05-15 16:16:18 zero zero comment

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