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Jiaxing remains are transported back to the funeral car at home. How much is the charge for an ambulance?


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    2023-05-13 16:22:39
  •  Jiaxing remains are transported back to the funeral car at home. The average charge for a short transport by ambulance ranges from 600 yuan to 1000 yuan, while the charge for long-distance transport is generally 7 yuan to 10 yuan per kilometer. Generally speaking, we should explore products on the Internet. You don't charge by mileage. According to individual phenomenon, it should not exceed one kilometer. If possible, the market prices of interventional ventilators or micro pumps are different. It all depends on whether the medical staff are waiting. If possible, the market price will be deducted separately.
    j*** | 2023-05-13 16:22:39 zero zero comment
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