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Tonghua ambulance trans provincial transfer service discharge transfer, Yuncheng long-distance ambulance transfer charge?


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    2023-05-15 16:11:24
  •  Tonghua ambulance transfers from one province to another for hospital discharge, and Yuncheng long-distance ambulance transfers are generally charged between 600 yuan and 1000 yuan for short distance transportation, while long-distance transportation is generally charged between 7 yuan and 10 yuan per kilometer. The ambulance is mainly used for patient migration, patient repair, patient special vehicle transportation and other work. The traditional ambulance is complete, complete, sound, and well-equipped. Shuttle service. According to the changes in the past 10 years, cities across the country have set up ambulance subway stations to book buses for different patients at any time and anywhere, arrive at the scene in a short time, and quickly transport patients.
    Biography*** | 2023-05-15 16:11:24 zero zero comment
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