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How much is the charge for Nanchang long-distance 120 ambulance transfer, and how much is the charge for 120 ambulance medical escort?


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    2023-05-15 15:31:40
  •  How about the charge for Nanchang long-distance 120 ambulance transfer? The charge for 120 ambulance medical escort short distance transportation generally ranges from 600 yuan to 1000 yuan, and the charge for long-distance transportation is generally 7 yuan to 10 yuan per kilometer. If some rare patients must have medical staff and respiratory masks, they also need to pay independently. Migration is generally divided into two types, one is close migration, the other is cross regional remote control migration. Most of the short distance migration is the big city migration selected one hour ago. Try to buy one day in advance. I can see a lot. I hope I can help.
    Zou*** | 2023-05-15 15:31:40 zero zero comment
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