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Chess and mahjong

How does Shanghai Qiaoma play? What communication should be made with developers before the development of Shanghai Mahjong?


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    2023-05-15 14:21:38
  •  Hello, landlord. Shanghai Mahjong basically has two kinds of counting, namely, Taiwan Mahjong calls it "counting Taiwan", but Shanghai Mahjong players are used to calling it "counting Taiwan" and counting Hu numbers. But "fan" is called "dai", and "hu" is called "hu". The feature is that there are 2 households per seat. Household accounting should also be multiplied by the power of algebra, for example, three times is multiplied by 8.
    Twilight*** | 2023-05-15 14:21:38 zero zero comment
  • 2023-05-15 14:22:38
  •  Hello, landlord, before we decide to develop chess and cards, we must communicate our needs with the developers. Communicate the development cycle well: The development cycle of chess and card games usually lasts between 15-30 working days. Because of some uncertain factors, specific evaluation is required before development. After sales is also very important. After all, if there is a problem with the board game and the developers cannot quickly provide the corresponding solutions, it means that the operators may have to spend high maintenance costs, or even lead to the collapse of the game, resulting in the loss of a large number of players. Finally, sign the corresponding contract, which is a very critical step in the development of chess and card games. We should not be careless

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     Hello, landlord, before we decide to develop chess and cards, we must communicate our needs with the developers. Communicate the development cycle well: The development cycle of chess and card games usually lasts between 15-30 working days. Because of some uncertain factors, specific evaluation is required before development. After sales is also very important. After all, if there is a problem with the board game and the developers cannot quickly provide the corresponding solutions, it means that the operators may have to spend high maintenance costs, or even lead to the collapse of the game, resulting in the loss of a large number of players. Finally, sign the corresponding contract, which is a key step in the development of chess and card games. We can't be careless. Many developers are unwilling to sign contracts with customers. At this time, we need to be vigilant. Contracts are guarantees. If you want to develop Zhengzhou mahjong games, Dayou Network is a good choice. You can customize game products according to customer needs. One to one service, customized chess and card games according to customers' needs and players' habits, with guaranteed after-sales service.
    X*** | 2023-05-15 14:22:38 zero zero comment

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