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Chess and mahjong

What is the process of customizing a 50K board game?


All answers Of two Answers)

    2023-05-15 11:04:01
  •  First, we need to provide our own needs with the developers, and then we need to discuss and determine the price of customized development. We need to sign a formal agreement with the developers to ensure the smooth cooperation between the two parties and ensure that the rights and interests of customers are not infringed. It is necessary to provide some necessary materials, such as game icons, game screenshots, game introductions, etc., so that developers can better complete their development tasks. After the development is completed, the game needs to be tested to ensure that the functions developed by the game meet the requirements. Finally, the game is packaged. After packing, it can be put on the shelf.
    One*** | 2023-05-15 11:04:01 zero zero comment
  • 2023-05-15 12:40:57
  •  Hello, I recommend Dayou Network Technology, a formal development company, which is a high-tech software technology company specializing in the customization, development and after-sales support of chess and card games. The core technicians have more than five years of professional chess and card development technology, and the development speed is first-class in China. Game products can be customized according to customer needs. One to one service, customized chess and card games according to customers' needs and players' habits, with various functions such as local customs, dialect characteristics, friends and relatives circle, and guaranteed after-sales.
    S*** | 2023-05-15 12:40:57 zero zero comment

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