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Chess and mahjong

Can Luoyang bar mahjong slow down? Luoyang mahjong chess game software development what is the most important?


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    2023-05-15 10:32:08
  •  Hello, landlord. Slow bars are allowed in the game. The so-called slow bar means that when a player has a cut in his hand and other players play the same card, the player can choose to touch the card first and wait until his turn to open the bar.
    R*** | 2023-05-15 10:32:08 zero zero comment
  • 2023-05-15 11:39:11
  •  Laotie, for chess and card development, the quality of the platform is very important, and the background is also very important. In the final analysis, these problems are the company selection, so I think the most important thing is to select a Qi brand company. If the company doesn't choose well, the experience of the developed platform is very poor, and the players can't play in it, the research and development is not good. The maintenance, update, and repair of the platform in the later stage of its launch is also very water, and it may not have the technology to maintain it for you. This is just a superficial technical problem. There will be more real problems developed. To develop Hefei Mahjong game, I suggest you find a professional company to develop it

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     Laotie, for chess and card development, the quality of the platform is very important, and the background is also very important. In the final analysis, these problems are the company selection, so I think the most important thing is to select a Qi brand company. If the company doesn't choose well, the experience of the developed platform is very poor, and the players can't play in it, the research and development is not good. The maintenance, update, and repair of the platform in the later stage of its launch is also very water, and it may not have the technology to maintain it for you. This is just a superficial technical problem. There will be more real problems developed. To develop Hefei mahjong game, it is recommended to find a professional company to develop it, which can not only save time and labor costs, but also avoid some risks. Like Dayou Network, we don't do anything about it. If you are interested, you can go and find out
    E*** | 2023-05-15 11:39:11 zero zero comment
  • 2023-05-15 13:06:35
  •  Hello, many friends care about the cost of investment when choosing a company. To be honest, as long as your platform is good and can work, the cost is really a drop in the bucket. As the saying goes, "cheap is not good, but good is not cheap". The low cost is not necessarily good, and it may really be a waste of money. It is better to devote yourself to building a good platform and pay less attention to the cost.
    Sen*** | 2023-05-15 13:06:35 zero zero comment

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