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[Resolved] What is the material for hymen repair?


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    2023-05-14 13:58:41
  •  Hello, the hymen repair surgery "stitches" the damaged hymen into two types: suture removal and no suture removal. The specific way to repair the hymen depends on the individual phenomenon. The suture is mainly absorbable and non absorbable. Thank you, hope to adopt
    Small*** | 2023-05-14 13:58:41 zero zero comment
  • 2023-05-14 14:02:07
  •  The repair of hymen is not very complicated, and can be completed only in regular hospitals. Generally, the operation only takes about half an hour to one hour. Usually, the vulva is sterilized to relieve pain in local infiltration, the hymen at the rupture is cut out with small ophthalmic scissors to form a neat wound edge, and then the absorbable suture is used for fine suture, so that the hymen only passes through a pinky hole, and a little ointment is applied at the end of the operation
    l*** | 2023-05-14 14:02:07 zero zero comment
  • 2023-05-14 14:05:56
  •  Normal surgical suture is generally used. Because hymen repair surgery is to suture the broken membrane again to achieve the effect of bleeding in the same room, but the success rate is limited. However, I used the surgical free Huajie Luohong film to camouflage for the first time. I felt that Huajie Luohong film was much more convenient. Huajie Luohong film did not need to be repaired by surgery. I put Huajie Luohong film into it quietly in advance, and then when it was done, the touch and blood color were very real. After simple washing, it was OK.
    Just*** | 2023-05-14 14:05:56 zero zero comment
  • 2023-05-14 14:09:03
  •  Not necessarily. There are those that do not need to be removed, which may be more expensive. But the success rate is limited, and the operation is more or less harmful. Therefore, I used Huajie red falling film, which is safer than surgery. It can be used together with firmness and tenderness. Whether there is red falling, or in terms of compactness and beauty, it is exactly the same as the real first time. And the cost is also much lower. Compared with surgery, Sister Hua may be more suitable for me because I am busy at work!
    Emotion*** | 2023-05-14 14:09:03 zero zero comment
  • 2023-05-14 14:15:13
  •  At present, most hymen repair hospitals use ordinary nylon suture as suture, and they need to remove the suture after the operation, which increases the risk of infection. Many operations are caused by infection when removing the suture, resulting in failure of the operation.
    No*** | 2023-05-14 14:15:13 zero zero comment
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