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[Adopted] What should be paid attention to in hymen repair? Does it affect work?


All answers Of five Answers)

    2023-05-14 13:56:29
  •  The treatment surgery needs to go home and rest for a few days. After the wound is slightly healed, it can work normally. At the same time, physical labor and squatting are not allowed. Hope to adopt it!
    No*** | 2023-05-14 13:56:29 zero zero comment
  • 2023-05-14 14:00:57
  •  Generally, they can leave after a short rest and do not need to be hospitalized, but they cannot go to work or school that day. Take a few more days off. However, as a student, I think it may be more suitable for the surgery free Huajie Luohong film. The first method of non operative repair is to put the flower sister's falling red film into it in advance, and then do nothing about it. After the work is done, the other party can see the falling red. No operation, no pain, high cost performance, and no delay in school and work.
    Processus*** | 2023-05-14 14:00:57 zero zero comment
  • 2023-05-14 14:04:21
  •  If you can't do strenuous exercise after hymen repair, I suggest you take more rest. Go back to work after a while. I hope my answer is useful to you, thank you
    Suffocate*** | 2023-05-14 14:04:21 zero zero comment
  • 2023-05-14 14:09:40
  •  I can't work quickly! After a few days' rest. I didn't have an operation. I passed the exam with Sister Hua's falling red film. The Huajie Fallen Red Film is free of surgery. Take out the Huajie Fallen Red Film directly and put it in. Then it will have the same red effect as the real film. The color is very real, and it can also be used together with the firming powder. This is true in all respects. It's not just Luo Hong!
    Spring*** | 2023-05-14 14:09:40 zero zero comment
  • 2023-05-14 14:14:30
  •  Treatment skills will affect work and study more or less. I don't think it's necessary to have surgery. It's the technology of ten years ago. Because it is not difficult to hide the past. Search on the Internet and take a box of Huajie Luohong film. There is no need to operate on the Huajie Fallen Red Film. Just put the Huajie Fallen Red Film in advance at some time, and you will feel red and blocked. It is very convenient and safe to use. It does not affect school or work. Does it smell good when used and put away?
    x*** | 2023-05-14 14:14:30 zero zero comment
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