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The price list of trans provincial transfer of critically ill patients in Tonghua. How do you charge for the transfer of patients to other places for medical treatment?


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    2023-05-14 14:04:24
  •  According to the price list of trans provincial transport of critically ill patients in Tonghua, the short distance transport charges for trans provincial medical transfer are generally 600 yuan to 1000 yuan, and the long distance transport charges are generally 7 yuan to 10 yuan per kilometer. Cross regional ambulance love hate hate ambulance. It can transport patients across regional cities and remotely. If you want to find one, he can ask many relatives, friends or friends, or check it on the Internet. The price of ambulances is almost 50%. Short distance and long distance. If it is a sudden disease, please call the emergency number. If you transfer to another hospital clinic or go home, you can ask many people

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     According to the price list of trans provincial transport of critically ill patients in Tonghua, the short distance transport charges for trans provincial medical transfer are generally 600 yuan to 1000 yuan, and the long distance transport charges are generally 7 yuan to 10 yuan per kilometer. Cross regional ambulance love hate hate ambulance. It can transport patients across regional cities and remotely. If you want to find one, he can ask many relatives, friends or friends, or check it on the Internet. The price of ambulances is almost 50%. Short distance and long distance. If it is a sudden disease, please call the emergency number. If you transfer to another hospital clinic or go home, you can ask many people.
    Pig*** | 2023-05-14 14:04:24 zero zero comment
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