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[More collections] What is the principle of repairing hymen?


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    2023-05-14 13:56:33
  •  The principle is to use the remaining hymen and modern scientific methods to restore it to its original state before rupture. The difficulty of the operation depends on the shape of the broken hymen fragment. If it is caused by impact of foreign objects, less X life, motion tear, etc., it is generally easier to repair. There are only several times of X life. For those with severe hymen damage, the probability of bleeding after repair is not too high!
    Hi*** | 2023-05-14 13:56:33 zero zero comment
  • 2023-05-14 14:02:22
  •  Treatment is a way to solve the problem of hymen rupture, but there is not necessarily blood, and the probability of success after repair is only 50-60%. In addition, in addition to hymen repair surgery, there is a non operative method to solve the problem of non locality. It is said on the Internet that Sister Hua falls on the red membrane. Sister Hua doesn't need to repair the red film, but it can achieve the same effect by putting it in in advance. At present, it is quite popular!
    Cold*** | 2023-05-14 14:02:22 zero zero comment
  • 2023-05-14 14:06:42
  •  The hymen is a membrane with different thickness around the bottom. It is fragile in structure and poor in blood supply. It will not heal after rupture. Healing after surgical repair is more difficult than other parts, and the current effect is not as optimistic as some advertisements suggest. There are many factors affecting the success of hymen repair.
    Run*** | 2023-05-14 14:06:42 zero zero comment
  • 2023-05-14 14:11:48
  •  Repair surgery can't guarantee red blood, because red blood depends on the distribution of blood vessels. Most women will not see red blood because their blood vessels are not very rich. After repair surgery, red blood can't be guaranteed, because repair can't transplant blood vessels to the membrane, which is also a problem that repair surgery can't solve at present. Hope to adopt
    I*** | 2023-05-14 14:11:48 zero zero comment
  • 2023-05-14 14:17:00
  •  The traditional repair is to suture the damaged membrane flap tissue again, so that the damaged membrane flap tissue can grow again. If it is successful, the boy will not feel abnormal normally. The key is that the operation cannot achieve 100% success. However, the online Huajie Luohong film, which does not require surgery, can perfectly replace the first time. Sister Hua's falling red film is really bloody. I didn't see it at all when I used it, and it went smoothly. It has appeared for many years, and many people know it
    s*** | 2023-05-14 14:17:00 zero zero comment
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