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How much will Guangzhou ambulance charge for transporting patients across provinces for long-distance transportation?


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    2023-05-13 16:46:49
  •  Guangzhou ambulance transfers patients to other provinces for long-distance transportation. The short distance transportation charges for critically ill patients to be transferred to other provinces generally range from 600 yuan to 1000 yuan. The long-distance transportation charges are generally 7 yuan to 10 yuan per kilometer. The emergency rescue vehicle is divided into itself and the enterprise. If it is the company's ambulance, it should be purchased one day in advance. If it is a hospital ambulance, the vast majority can not cross the region, but can take the bus in the first tier cities for free, it should be created according to the patient's condition.
    Black*** | 2023-05-13 16:46:49 zero zero comment
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