Chongqing train ticket online ordering

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General express Puke EMU Xinkong Express Air conditioning fast Fast Xinkong Express Air conditioning express
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Morning (06:00-12:00) Afternoon (12:00-18:00) Evening (18:00-06:00)
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Train No./model Departure/Arrival Sent/Arrived Run Time Reference fare Online booking
set out Rush water
arrive Ningbo
Day 2
16 hours and 31 minutes
2331 km
Hard seat: 120 yuan
Hard sleeper: 214/222/230 yuan
1249/1252 19:24/09:37
Day 2
14 hours and 17 minutes
2333 km
Hard seat: 120 yuan
Hard sleeper: 214/222/230 yuan
Soft sleeper: 365/383/0 yuan
set out Fuling
arrive Ningbo
Day 2
12 hours and 45 minutes
2065 km
Hard seat: 100 yuan
Hard sleeper: 189/196/204 yuan
Soft sleeper: 323/339/0 yuan
set out Yongchuan
arrive Kunming
Day 2
22 hours and 47 minutes
Hard seat: 62 yuan
Hard sleeper: 104/107/111 yuan
Soft sleeper: 177/185/0 yuan
five thousand six hundred and eight
set out Sanhui Dam
arrive Dazhou
same day
3 hours and 39 minutes
170 km
Hard seat: 13 yuan
five thousand six hundred and nine
set out Baojialou
arrive Xiushan
same day
4 hours and 28 minutes
180 km
Hard seat: 12 yuan
five thousand six hundred and twelve
set out Anfu Town
arrive Neijiang
same day
1 hour 53 minutes
60 km
Hard seat: 3 yuan
five thousand six hundred and nineteen
arrive Puxiong
same day
7 hours and 34 minutes
251 km
Hard seat: 17 yuan
five thousand six hundred and twenty 18:34/
same day
6 hours and 13 minutes
-251 km
Starting train
five thousand six hundred and twenty-nine
set out Xiaba
arrive Zunyi
same day
7 hours and 26 minutes
Hard seat: 18.5 yuan
Warm prompt: The online booking information of Chongqing train tickets is only for reference. If there is any change in the train number information and price, please refer to the ticket sales information of the train station on that day.