Handan Congtai Zheyuan Chemical Technology Co., Ltd
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Company Introduction

Handan Congtai Zheyuan Chemical Technology Co., Ltd

Handan Congtai District Zheyuan Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. has acquired a large number of chemical raw materials in stock and expired waste for a long time: dyes, pigments, resins, paints, inks, aluminum silver paste, polyether polyols, polyether, foaming agent, polyether MDI, polyether combinations, polyvinyl alcohol White carbon black, color base Toner, maleic anhydride Rosin. All rubber, plastic, chemical raw materials< 1>>Dyes: vat dyes, disperse dyes, acid dyes, direct dyes, cationic dyes, basic dyes, weak acid dyes, sulfur dyes, printing pastes, sodium oxalate, and other dyes and dyeing auxiliaries<< 2>>Pigments: phthalocyanine blue, phthalocyanine green, big * *, Lisol red, light fast pigment, permanent pigment, paint pigment, red lead powder, yellow lead powder, iron oxide yellow Iron oxide red Medium chrome yellow Lemon yellow Plastic pigments, rubber pigments, pearlescent powder, gold powder, silver powder, zinc powder, chromium powder, and other organic and inorganic chemical pigments< 3>>Resins: epoxy resin, acrylic resin, alkyd resin, rosin resin, phenolic resin, polyester resin, polyethylene resin, petroleum resin, polyacrylamide resin, unsaturated resin, terpene resin, rosin, paraffin, etc<< 4>>Ink: offset printing ink, silk screen printing ink, transfer printing ink, screen printing ink, gravure printing ink, relief printing ink, and other resins and inks<< 5>>Paints: epoxy paint, acrylic paint, alkyd paint, polyester paint, polyurethane paint, nitrate View details

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Business Information

Business information
  • Handan Congtai Zheyuan Chemical Technology Co., Ltd
  • Recycle hot melt adhesive, paraffin, polyether polyol and plastic additives
  • 91130403MA08UN8M1L
  • Handan, Hebei
  • Recycle hot melt adhesive, paraffin, polyether polyol and plastic additives
  • limited company
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Company Information

  • Handan Congtai Zheyuan Chemical Technology Co., Ltd
  • Mobile phone has been certified
    Individual certified
    Enterprise has been certified
    WeChat certified
    Checked by Tianyan
  • 4 days
  • Zheyuan Chemical Technology Co., Ltd
  • limited company
  • 2017-10-25
  • Recycle hot melt adhesive, paraffin and polyether
  • Hebei Handan 13 Rongsheng Garden, No. 669, Beicang Road, Congtai District-

contact information

  • Li Xinjun
  • 򈊡򈊥򈊠򈊣򈊠򈊠򈊧򈊢򈊨򈊨򈊦
  • fifteen billion thirty million seventy-two thousand eight hundred and eighty-six
  • Mobile phone has been certified
    Individual certified
    Enterprise has been certified
    WeChat certified
    Checked by Tianyan
  • 4 days
  • QQ

Information classification

  • > Recycled dyes
  • > Recycle ink
  • > Recovered resin
  • > Recycle daily chemical raw materials
  • > Recycling chemical equipment
  • > Recovered pigment
  • > Recycle hot melt adhesive
  • > Recovered paraffin
  • > Recycle paint
  • > Recycled polyurethane
  • > Recycled rubber
  • > Recycled plastic additives
  • > Recycling electroplating auxiliaries
  • > Recycled food additives
  • > Recycle chemical additives
  • > Recycle chemical raw materials
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  • Gongyi netizens in Zhengzhou, Henan visited this page in search a month ago
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About us
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Name: Handan Congtai District Zheyuan Chemical Technology Co., Ltd
mobile phone: 򈊡򈊥򈊠򈊣򈊠򈊠򈊧򈊢򈊨򈊨򈊦
Address: 13-1-502, Rongsheng Garden, No. 669, Beicang Road, Congtai District
Main products
Recycle hot melt adhesive, paraffin, polyether polyol and plastic additives

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