Beichen · Optics Valley

Cultural and creative industry complex beside Optics Valley Tiandi

Average price of new houses in Beichen · Optics Valley in June

about sixteen thousand RMB/m2 Calculator
Statistics are made according to Leju's intelligent house price algorithm, for reference only
Past developments
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  • The price of Hongshan Beichen · Optics Valley is about 16000 yuan/㎡

    Hongshan Beichen · Optics Valley

    House purchasing guide 2023-11-21 16:33
  • Hongshan Beichen · Optics Valley

    Hongshan Beichen · Optics Valley

    House purchasing guide 2023-10-03 18:52
  • The price of Beichen · Optics Valley is about 16000 yuan/㎡

    The price of Beichen · Optics Valley is about 16000 yuan/㎡. The price is for reference only, subject to the actual quotation. The property is located next to Optics Valley Tiandi, Guanshan Avenue, Optics Valley, China. The developer is Wuhan Optics Valley Creative Culture Science Park Co., Ltd., with a total planning number of 4420 households, 20 buildings in total planning, and a greening rate of 20%. The property company is Wuhan All Things Liangxing Property Service Co., Ltd., with a parking space ratio of 1:1 and 4419 parking spaces. Please pay attention! (Source: Leju)

    Real estate news 2023-10-21 12:14
  • The average selling price of Beichen Guangguli apartment is about 16000 yuan/㎡

    Beichen · Optics Valley Apartment is currently selling apartment products with a construction area of about 50-123 ㎡. The project is mainly promoting 8B #. Some houses are equipped with decoration. The average price on sale is about 16000 yuan/㎡. For more details, please call the sales department! The project is located at the intersection of Guanshan Avenue and Gaoxin Second Road, East Lake High tech Zone, Wuhan. The existing houses of the project are on sale. Thank you for your attention! (Source: Leju)

    Real estate news 2022-12-16 17:41
House price data is comprehensively calculated by Leju for your reference
Average price of new houses in June seventeen thousand and seventy-five RMB/m2
Month on month 0.19%
Current properties on sale in Wuhan 561 Current buildings for sale 80
Wuhan Leju provides users with price information of Beichen · Optics Valley for reference, including price trend chart of Wuhan Beichen · Optics Valley, average price of Beichen · Optics Valley, and evaluation report of Beichen · Optics Valley. It also recommends the price rise and fall list of popular buildings in Wuhan for reference, so that you can quickly analyze the price of Beichen · Optics Valley. Want to know how much money is spent in Beichen Optics Valley, and paying attention to Wuhan Leju will save you money and worry when you buy a house! Touch screen version: House price of Beichen Optical Valley
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Overview: The building in Wuhan Beichen Optics Valley provides the house price, house type, picture, address of the building in the Beichen Optics Valley (next to the heaven and earth of the Optics Valley, Guanshan Avenue, China Optics Valley), property right period, property fee, developer, sales phone, greening rate, surrounding facilities, shopping malls, supermarkets, schools, hospitals, banks, surrounding maps and transportation and other building information.
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