ICC Hanyang International Apartment

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Average price of new houses of ICC Hanyang International Apartment in May

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Average price of new houses in May seventeen thousand and eighty-two RMB/m2
Month on month Flat
Current properties on sale in Wuhan 561 Current buildings for sale 80
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Overview: Wuhan ICC Hanyang International Apartment Building, providing the price of ICC Hanyang International Apartment, the house type drawing of ICC Hanyang International Apartment, the picture of ICC Hanyang International Apartment, The address of the ICC Hanyang International Apartment (the intersection of Longyang Avenue and Fangcao 1st Road), property rights, property fees, developers, sales phone numbers, greening rate, surrounding facilities, shopping malls, supermarkets, schools, hospitals, banks, surrounding maps, transportation and other building information.
Entrance of touch screen building: ICC Hanyang International Apartment Layout of ICC Hanyang International Apartment Picture of ICC Hanyang International Apartment ICC Hanyang International Apartment Basic Information Price of ICC Hanyang International Apartment News of ICC Hanyang International Apartment