Jinhui City Central Cloud Mansion

Chengxin Villa Zhenpin Residential Area
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Average price of new houses in Jinhui City Yangyun Mansion in June

about twenty-two thousand and one hundred RMB/m2 Calculator
Statistics are made according to Leju's intelligent house price algorithm, for reference only
Price Analysis of Jinhui City Central Cloud Mansion
The average price of this property is higher than the average price of new houses in Cixi City. Please consult the real estate consultant for specific aspects of high value.
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Average price of new houses in June twenty-one thousand two hundred and thirty RMB/m2
Month on month 0.23%
Current buildings on sale in Ningbo 220 Current buildings for sale 26
Ningbo Leju provides users with information about the price of the central cloud house in Jinhui City for reference, including the trend chart of the price of the central cloud house in Jinhui City, the average price of the central cloud house in Jinhui City, and the evaluation report of the central cloud house in Jinhui City. At the same time, it recommends a list of the price rises and falls of the popular buildings in Ningbo for reference, so that you can analyze the price of the central cloud house in Jinhui City more quickly. Want to know how much Jinhui City Yangyun Mansion costs, and pay attention to Ningbo Leju to save you money and worry when buying a house! Touch screen version: House price of Jinhui City Central Cloud Mansion
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Overview: Ningbo Jinhui City Yangyun Mansion, providing the housing price of Jinhui City Yangyun Mansion, the house type drawing of Jinhui City Yangyun Mansion, the picture of Jinhui City Yangyun Mansion, the address of Jinhui City Yangyun Mansion (north of the exhibition center on North 3rd Ring East Road), the property right period, property fee, developer, sales phone, greening rate, surrounding facilities, shopping malls, supermarkets, schools, hospitals, banks, Surrounding map, traffic and other real estate information.
Entrance of touch screen building: Jinhui City Central Cloud Mansion House type drawing of Cloud Mansion in the center of Jinhui City Pictures of Cloud Mansion in the center of Jinhui City Basic Information of Jinhui City Central Cloud Mansion House price of Jinhui City Central Cloud Mansion Jinhui City Central Cloud Mansion News