Wisdom Valley Superior

A scholarly and healthy house is a pure western-style house.

Average price of new house of Huigu Superior in May

about nine thousand and seven hundred RMB/m2 Calculator
Statistics are made according to Leju's intelligent house price algorithm, for reference only
Price analysis of superior products of Huigu
The average price of this property is higher than the average price of new houses of Hui people. Please consult the real estate consultant for specific aspects of high value.
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  • Recent quotation! Huimin Huigu Superior 119~126 ㎡ houses about 9700 yuan/㎡

    Recent quotation! Huimin Huigu Superior 119~126 ㎡ houses about 9700 yuan/㎡

    House purchasing guide 2024-06-26 13:03
  • Huimin Huigu Superior House Type Map Released 119~126 ㎡, about 9700 yuan/㎡

    Huimin Huigu Superior House Type Map Released 119~126 ㎡, about 9700 yuan/㎡

    House purchasing guide 2024-06-05 06:53
  • About 9700 yuan/㎡! Huimin Huigu Shangpin is selling 119~126 ㎡ houses

    Huigu Superior is located in Huimin. Currently, it mainly sells three bedroom rooms with an area of 119~126 ㎡, about 9700 yuan/㎡. Huigu top grade business: 40 years; Housing: 70 year property right project. The house type of this project includes 119~126 ㎡, and the price is about 9700 yuan/㎡. It is suitable for people who want to settle down in the newly renovated and improved houses. The average price of this building is higher than the average price of new houses of Hui people. Please consult the real estate consultant for specific aspects of higher value. (Source: Leju)

    Real estate news 2024-06-15 06:18
  • Huimin Huigu Shangpin Three bedroom Apartment: about 9700 yuan/㎡

    Huimin Huigu Top Grade is currently selling 119~126 ㎡ three bedroom rooms, about 9700 yuan/㎡. [Huigu · Superior Product] is the 3.0 upgraded version of [Huigu Lanting] and [Huigu Zhenyuan] developed by Huigu Group in Hohhot. Phase I is composed of six 15-18 storey German style western-style houses with one staircase and one family penetrating from north to south. The floor area ratio is as low as 1.997. On the building planning land suitable for about 550 households, the number of planned households is as low as 412, greatly improving the per capita public area of owners. Each family has one elevator, three rooms, two halls and two bathrooms+unique study house design, enjoying pure western-style houses; Each elevator serves less than 18 owners, enjoying private access to the lobby and experiencing safe and comfortable living. Planning upgrade: surrounding the core design concept of "scholarly and healthy house, pure western-style house", from south to north, the site is designed layer by layer. (Source: Leju)

    Real estate news 2024-05-24 06:54
House price data is comprehensively calculated by Leju for your reference
Average price of new houses in May eleven thousand seven hundred and ten RMB/m2
Month on month Flat
Hohhot currently on sale 104 Current buildings for sale 11
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Overview: Hohhot Huigu Shangpin real estate, providing Huigu Shangpin house price, Huigu Shangpin house type drawing, Huigu Shangpin picture, Huigu Shangpin real estate address (north of Genghis Khan Street, west of Grassland Mingzhu Road (Yuanyanzhan West Road), property right period, property fee, developer, sales telephone, greening rate, surrounding facilities, shopping malls, supermarkets, schools, hospitals, banks, Surrounding map, traffic and other real estate information.
Entrance of touch screen building: Wisdom Valley Superior Huigu Superior House Type Map Huigu Premium Pictures Basic information of Huigu Superior House price of Huigu Shangpin Huigu Top Grade News