Everbright Holdings Chaotianmen Center

High rise in central section of Yuzhong District

Average price of new houses of Everbright Holdings Chaotianmen Center in June

about twenty-five thousand RMB/m2 Calculator
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Price analysis of Everbright Holdings Chaotianmen Center
The average price of the property is lower than the average price of new houses in Yuzhong. Please consult the property consultant if the average price still has advantages in the sector.
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Average price of new houses in June thirteen thousand and sixty-nine RMB/m2
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Overview: Chongqing Everbright Holdings Chaotianmen Central Building, providing the house price of Everbright Holdings Chaotianmen Central Building, the house type of Everbright Holdings Chaotianmen Central Building, the picture of Everbright Holdings Chaotianmen Central Building, the address of Everbright Holdings Chaotianmen Central Building (No. 1, Xinhua Road, Chaotianmen, Yuzhong District), the property right period, property fee, developer, sales phone, greening rate, surrounding facilities, shopping malls, supermarkets, schools, hospitals, Bank, surrounding maps, traffic and other real estate information.
Entrance of touch screen building: Everbright Holdings Chaotianmen Center Everbright Holdings Chaotianmen Center House Type Diagram Picture of Everbright Holdings Chaotianmen Center Basic information of Everbright Holdings Chaotianmen Center House price of Everbright Holdings Chaotianmen Center Everbright Holdings Chaotianmen Center News