Zhongjian · Hesong Jiuli

Innovative house type, dynamic balance

Average price of new houses of CSCEC · Hesong Jiuli in May

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Price analysis of CSCEC · Hesong Jiuli
The price of the project has not been announced yet, please keep an eye on it. The average price in the plate is 83732 yuan/㎡ for reference
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Average price of new houses in May fifty-eight thousand three hundred and fifty-seven RMB/m2
Month on month 0.21%
Current properties for sale in Beijing 361 Current buildings for sale 28
Beijing Leju provides users with house price information of CSCEC · and Songjiuli for reference, including the house price trend chart of CSCEC · and Songjiuli, the average price of CSCEC · and Songjiuli, and the evaluation report of CSCEC · and Songjiuli. At the same time, it recommends the list of house price rises and falls of popular buildings in Beijing for reference, so that you can analyze the prices of CSCEC · and Songjiuli more quickly. Want to know how much Zhongjian · Hesong Jiuli costs, and pay attention to Beijing Leju to save you money! Touch screen version: House price of CSCEC · Hesong Jiuli
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CSCEC and Songjiuli Real estate related fast entrance
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Overview: Beijing CSCEC and Songjiuli Real Estate, which provides building information such as the house price of CSCEC and Songjiuli, the house type map of CSCEC and Songjiuli, the picture of CSCEC and Songjiuli, the address of CSCEC and Songjiuli Real Estate (Dawa Kiln), the property right period, property fees, developers, sales telephone, greening rate, surrounding facilities, shops, supermarkets, schools, hospitals, banks, and surrounding maps and transportation.
Entrance of touch screen building: CSCEC and Songjiuli Zhongjian Hesong Jiuli House Type Map Picture of CSCEC and Songjiuli Basic information of CSCEC and Songjiuli House price of CSCEC and Songjiuli CSCEC and Songjiuli News