Evergrande Palace

The surrounding facilities are complete and close to the Capital Airport
Tailstock Brand real estate enterprise Evergrande Real Estate Airport line park education Existing homes

Average price of new houses in Hengda Palace in May

about sixty thousand RMB/m2 Calculator
Statistics are made according to Leju's intelligent house price algorithm, for reference only
Price analysis of Evergrande Palace
The average price of the property is higher than the average price of the new house in Shunyi. Please consult the property consultant for specific aspects of high value.
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  • Beijing Shunyi Evergrande Palace's quoted price is about 60000 yuan/㎡

    Beijing Shunyi Evergrande Palace's quoted price is about 60000 yuan/㎡

    House purchasing guide 2023-12-01 04:05
  • The price of Hengda Palace in Shunyi, Beijing is about 60000 yuan/㎡

    Beijing Shunyi Evergrande Palace

    House purchasing guide 2023-11-20 15:27
  • Shunyi Hengdali Palace has five bedrooms and six bedrooms, about 60000 yuan/㎡

    Hengdali Palace is mainly promoting five bedroom and six bedroom apartments of 1020~2355 ㎡, about 60000 yuan/㎡. The average price of this property is higher than the average price of new houses in Shunyi. Please consult the property consultant for specific aspects of high value. Evergrande Palace is located in Shunyi. The specific address is about 800 meters west of the Yanglin Exit of Beijing Shunyi Airport Expressway, with a floor area ratio of 0.52 and a greening rate of 41%. Evergrande Palace is located about 800 meters west of the Yanglin Exit of Beijing Shunyi Airport Expressway, with complete surrounding facilities near the Capital Airport (source: Leju)

    Real estate news 2024-06-15 01:11
  • Shunyi Hengdali Palace mainly promotes 1020~2355 ㎡ houses, about 60000 yuan/㎡

    Evergrande Palace is located in Shunyi. At present, it is mainly selling 1020~2355 ㎡ five bedroom and six bedroom apartments, about 60000 yuan/㎡. Evergrande Palace is a residential building: a project with 70 years' property rights, the house type of this building includes 1020~2355 ㎡, and the price is about 60000 yuan/㎡. It is suitable for the improved buyers who want to settle in Shunyi. The average price of this building is higher than the average price of new houses in Shunyi. Please consult the real estate consultant for specific aspects of higher value. (Source: Leju)

    Real estate news 2024-05-24 01:12
House price data is comprehensively calculated by Leju for your reference
Average price of new houses in May fifty-eight thousand three hundred and fifty-seven RMB/m2
Month on month 0.21%
Current properties for sale in Beijing 358 Current buildings for sale 28
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Overview: Beijing Evergrande Palace, which provides the house price, house type drawing, picture, address (about 800 meters west of Yanglin Exit of Beijing Shunyi Airport Expressway), property right period, property fee, developer, sales phone, greening rate, surrounding facilities, shopping malls, supermarkets, schools, hospitals, banks, surrounding maps and transportation and other building information.
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